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We offer a network of certified RLS Quality Care Centers staffed by leading RLS specialists who provide expert care and specialized disease management.
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Deadline Extended: Call for RLS Research Grant Proposals
RLS Foundation Certifies University of Virginia as a Quality Care Center
Advocacy Action Alert: Maintaining Access to Federal Research Funding
Webinar: Current Investigational Therapies in the Treatment of RLS
Yankton, SD RLS Support Group *In-Person* Meeting
San Diego, CA RLS Support Group *Virtual* Meeting
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The amount of education this nonprofit offers to the RLS community is incredible. As a sufferer of RLS, I rely on the RLS Foundation for academically based information, support resources, and the latest updates in RLS research. I am so thankful this Foundation exists!Mark, Asheville, NC
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of funds
go directly toward research, education, patient services, and support groups.
in RLS research grants to find better treatments and ultimately, a cure.