RLS affects an estimated 1.5 million children and adolescents.
Restless legs syndrome doesn't just affect adults.
RLS is a neurological condition with a genetic component and often runs in families and although most research has focused on adults, RLS symptoms often begin during childhood or adolescence. About 35% of patients report RLS onset before age 20, and one in 10 report that their symptoms appeared during the first decade of life.
Signs and Symptoms of RLS in Kids
Like adults, children with RLS tend to seek relief from their discomfort by moving their legs — often by fidgeting, stretching, walking, running, rocking or changing position in bed.
Parents or healthcare providers may mistakenly label the child’s discomfort as "growing pains." In the classroom setting, attempts to relieve the uncomfortable feelings of RLS may be interpreted as inattentiveness, hyperactivity or disruptive behavior. RLS, however, is a real medical condition that calls for proper evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.

Sleep disturbance is a common problem with RLS. In children, sleep disturbance may overshadow the complaints of leg discomfort. The quality and quantity of a child’s sleep are often diminished, and this sleep deprivation can result in moodiness, irritability, inattentiveness, fatigue or hyperactivity. For more information, please refer to our Children and RLS resources below. These and other materials are available in the Member Portal.
In Their Words
How do children describe their RLS symptoms? The images below, from a Foundation-sponsored drawing contest, are powerful illustrations that demonstrate the difficulties and often desperate feelings that RLS symptoms present in childhood.
Please note: The RLS Foundation copyrights all pictures. Please contact us for permission to use these photos.
I have bees crawling on my feet and legs and it itches so much. And in school I can't stay still. And I am always tired and sleepy, daydreaming. And I cry because teacher and kids are mean to me and laugh about me.Nayalee, Age 5
My drawing shows me fighting with my squirmy legs. And I know I can never win!"Joseph, Age 9
Bugs crawling in my legs.Jacob, Age 9
What I drew was saying that my top part of my body is relaxed and calm, but the bottom wants to run really bad.Sarah, Age 10
Walking home from school, legs hurting and tingling. Thinking about legs bothering me all night.Diamond, Age 11
It feels like I need to stretch my legs. My drawing is showing me being stretched out by ropes because I feel like I need to stretch my legs whenever I go to bed or if it's late.Aleesha, Age 13
When I get RLS pain it is deep to the bone. It feels to me like my bones are being twisted around and I can't move my legs. My picture shows me behind an X-ray to see my bones.Kennedy, Age 15