Reports & Financials



The Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation (EIN: 56-1784846) receives funding support from memberships, individual donations and grants. Over 83% of our revenue supports program offerings, such as educational resources, member and patient services, research grant awards and support groups.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, contributions to RLS Foundation are tax deductible.

Charity Navigator, America's largest and most-utilized independent charity evaluator, awarded the RLS Foundation its highest rank, a 4-star rating. This rating signifies exceptional financial health, accountability, leadership, community, and transparency.

GuideStar (Candid) ranked the RLS Foundation at its highest recognition level, Platinum, for demonstrating high transparency in our operations.

The Foundation's annual reports and audited financials by year are provided below..

Annual Financial Reports

RLS Foundation Policies


Make a Gift

You can play a personal role in contributing to RLS Foundation results and, ultimately, finding a cure for RLS by joining the Foundation as a member or making a general donation today.

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